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Basketball Matches v St John the Baptist’s

Well done to the Year 5 and 6 children who played in the three friendly matches against St John the Baptist!

In the first game our Team 1 won by 12 points to 0. In the second game Team 2 drew 8-8 and then Team 3 lost the final match 12-6.  All three teams showed great basketball skills: passing well, dribbling with confidence and shooting with accuracy. Congratulations everyone and Coach McAdam!

Team 1: Destiny, Trai, Rio Q, Ethan Dawson.

Team 2: Maison B, Harley P, Malik, Francis.

Team 3: Crystal, Ethan Doherty, Rebecca, Jaiden, Freddie.


A big thank you to all those who came to support (the gym was packed!) and for Savannah for scoring the game.

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