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City Academy Whitehawk

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Electa FAQ

Technical Questions


I am being asked for an Event ID, what is this?

Depending on how you access Electa, you don’t always need this. If you do use these IDs:


*Updated July 2021



I don’t have/can’t remember my log in details

First, check your email (including spam/junk folders) for an email from: noreply@school-network.net with the subject line: 

If you can’t find this email the office at cawadmin@auroraacademies.org 


I can’t hear the teacher?

First, run an audio check by clicking the three dots at the top

Then select Audio Test

 Depending on your device it might look like a small spanner .

If that doesn’t work, please exit the lesson and launch it again. This normally solves these issues. If you have done this and are still having issues, please tell the teachers in the session. 



To make sure your headphones work, you need to plug them in BEFORE you launch Electa. If you plug them in afterwards you may have trouble with hearing the teacher.


Should I use my webcam?

No. Neither teachers nor students will use webcams. Please ensure they are disabled throughout the lesson.

What device is best to use?

Electa works best on a laptop or desktop computer. It will work on tablets and phones although sometimes it’s tricky to see the screen clearly. Please get in touch with us at school if you are having persistent issues with technology and we will do what we can to help.


Do I need to download the app?

If you are accessing Electa through a tablet or phone you have to download the app. If you are accessing Electa through a desktop or laptop you have to download the programme. This will come up as a pop-up the first time you try to use it.


The app isn’t working.

If you have tried logging out and in again and it still doesn’t work try deleting the app and re-downloading. This usually solves the problem.


Where are the files from the lessons?

All resources used in the lesson, including the slides and home learning task are saved on the CAW Live Lesson page. Find your Bubble and Day for the relevant files, it will look like this:



My Microphone is loud of "fuzzy" on a school Chromebook

1) Click on the time 

2) Click on the > symbol (settings) 

3) Make sure the volume is turned down on the input microphone setting to 50%


Teaching and Learning Questions


The lesson is too hard / easy or quick / slow for my child.

Lessons are taught to both year groups in the bubble so you may find that the lesson is a little hard or straightforward for your child. Our advice is to preserve! Learning in class isn’t always easy or hard and we have to keep going. Below are some options of what you can do to support your child.

  • Download the slides from the CAW Live Lesson page and work through them, as best you can, at your own pace.
  • If you finish all the learning have a go at the Additional Home Learning page (found on the CAW Live Lessons page or by clicking the icon below) 


  • Download the slides before the lesson and read through them so your child knows what to expect.
  • Pause and just listen to the teacher.
  • Complete as many questions as you can, don’t worry if you can’t complete them all.


What is the Home Learning Task?

This is a separate task that links to the lesson that has just been taught. The teacher will explain this at the end of their lesson and children are to complete it straight after the lesson finishes. We encourage all children to send photos or copies of their work to cawhomelearning@gmail.com so we can see all the effort you are putting in!


Is there any other work to do?

If your child has completed the tasks from the lessons and want an extra challenge they can choose a suitable activity from our Additional Home Learning page. There is also music home learning, provided by the Sussex Music School on each Bubble's page. 


In addition to this we recommend that all children spend some time reading every day. This could be to themselves, a family member, a pet or a toy! Another important skill is to learn times tables. See the table below for an idea of what to focus on



Counting to and back to/from 20

Year 1

Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Year 2

Counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s

Quick recall of the 2, 5 and 10 times table facts

Year 3

Quick recall of the 2, 3, 5, 10, 6 times tables facts and related division facts

Year 4

Quick recall of the 2, 3, 5 10, 6, 4, 8, times table facts and related division facts

Year 5

Quick recall of the 2, 3, 5 10, 6, 4, 8, 7 and 9 times table facts and related division facts

Year 6

Quick recall of the 2, 3, 5 10, 6, 4, 8, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times table facts and related division facts




Purple Mash 2Race Multiplication and Division

Purple Mash Monster Multiplication


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