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City Academy Whitehawk

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Let's Dance

Let's Dance 2019

26 children from Year 6 performed at the Brighton Dome on Thursday 14th March in the Let’s Dance festival, which is the biggest schools festival of dance in the whole country!

The song that they performed to was Woodkid’s ‘Run Boy Run’, and the title of their dance was ‘Fight or Flight’. The theme of the dance was about what happens when we face a fear: do we run (Flight) or do we stand up to it (Fight)?  In the months leading up to the performance the children worked incredibly hard to practise their dance moves, and the hard work paid off! Their performance was amazing, full of energy and expression! Many parents and staff came to watch their performance at the Brighton Dome and were wowed by it!  Well done to all the fantastic children who took part- the school is incredibly proud of you all.


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