Our City, Our World
We are proud to have been granted SILVER AWARD status for the City Academy Whitehawk Our City, Our World provision, less than a year after launch.
We are proud of our mission to use the power of education to advance environmental literacy and social engagement to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future. We will work with young people, educators, community organisations, the council and relevant partners to promote a just and sustainable city where environmental and social responsibility drive individual, institutional, and community choices.
Our main drivers for Our City, Our World are:
- ‘Greening’ the curriculum increasing the profile of environmental literacy
- Raising awareness of issues through class assemblies
- Implementing school-wide sustainable operations and systems
- Providing opportunities for children to connect with nature
We are committed to children’s ‘Next Phase Readiness’ and the Our City, Our World offer is designed to be a cornerstone of our Personal Development offer. The CAW Qualities that are embedded throughout the school will inform and help deliver this provision. We are committed to ensuring that high quality learning opportunities extend beyond the academic curriculum and provides for pupils’ broader development.