Office FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
If you can't find the information you are looking for please ring the Office on 01273 681377 to speak to Mrs Howard or Miss Richardson
What time should I ring the school office if my child is too ill to come to school?
Please call as soon as possible. If the Office is unable to answer, please select Option 1 and leave a message stating your child's name, class and a brief description of what is wrong.
Can I make an appointment to see a teacher about something?
Please speak to your child's teacher at the beginning or end of the day in the playground. If you don't come in to school then please ring the Office and the teacher will be asked to phone you back.
My contact details have changed - who needs to know?
Please let Mrs Howard or Miss Richardson in the School Office, have the information as soon as possible
How do I pay for clubs or school trips?
Please put the money and form into an envelope - write your child's name, class and the amount of money on the outside of the envelope and hand into the school office.
Can you help me find out about free school meals?
Please complete an application form - these are available in the Office. Alternatively you can apply online at the Brighton and Hove City Council website - just click here
How can I buy school uniform?
School uniform can be purchased from our suppliers - Logo Sports. Click here to go to their website.
I need to talk to someone but it's a bit embarrassing or confidential and I'm not sure who I should talk to.
Please come to the Office and speak privately to Mrs Howard or Miss Richardson - they can direct you to the most appropriate person.
My child thinks there was a letter to bring home but we can't find it - can we get a copy?
We keep copies of all letters in the Office. We also put copies on our website so you can view them as a PDF. If you need a copy then please ring the Office and we can put a copy in your child's book bag for you.
What date is half term? And is there an Inset Day soon?
Please refer to the term dates under Parent/Carer Information or the School Calendar.