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City Academy Whitehawk

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CAW Remote Learning

During our partial closure of the school in March through to July of 2020 we worked hard to ensure that children 'off site' had frequent contact with the school team and were taught live online lessons, had access to 'paper pack' homelearning and had access to the necessary materials to engage in school work.


One approach we were very proud to develop in April was our live online teaching on our chosen platform, Electa. We are grateful to The Gatwick School (Aurora Academies Trust) for their help in setting up our online classroooms. The materials from every online live lesson are then made available to download using the links below.


We have worked hard to support families with access to electronic devices and access to our 'paper pack' home learning. Please get in touch for support with either of these.


We have re-enrolled all children in our online 'Electa' classrooms and will be ready to teach an adapted curriculum from Day 1 of any closure. Our White Bubble (Y5/6) tested this contingency plan during a necessary closure in November and we achieved great things together, with children and their teachers working really hard off-site, being hugely successful in their learning!


Our online teaching for all children started again on January 5th 2021. The community is working really hard and engaging so proactively in our learning opportunities. If you need any support in accessing any of our learning offer, please call the office, email us or check the newsletter section of the website.





CAW Online Learning Expectations


So that we can learn online:


I will listen when my teacher is talking. Stay near to your laptop/tablet so that you can hear your teacher.


I will be on time. Get your laptop/tablet ready before your session is going to start. Sit at a table and have some paper and a pencil with you. Your teacher will start at the time you have been given.


I will be respectful. Take turns to speak or ask questions. Click on the raise hand button and wait for your teacher to give you a turn to speak. If you want to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ click on these buttons.


I will be kind. Think before you send messages. Is this true? helpful? necessary? kind?


I will be ready for learning. Wear appropriate clothes and try not to have breaks during the session e.g. having a drink or going to the toilet.


If possible please can you wear headphones to help prevent distractions during the lessons! 


I agree to these terms and continue to CAW live lessons by 






*Schedule for Green Bubble (Reception) commencing Monday 5th July

*Schedule for Red, Orange and White commencing Tuesday 6th July

*Timetables will be updated based on the ever changing situation


Helpful Pages 

Please take a look below at some pages that we think you will find helpful! From learning extensions to stories, you will find it here! 

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