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City Academy Whitehawk

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Safeguarding at City Academy Whitehawk


Ensuring the welfare of every member of our community is our priority. Ms Escott is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Mr. McMorrin, Mr. Woods and Miss Rackham are our Deputy DSLs.


If any member of our school community has any safeguarding concerns, we ask that they speak to Ms Escott, Mr. McMorrin, Mr. Woods or Miss Rackham (for Early Years) If you are a member of the wider community with a concern for a child's welfare, you can contact Children's Services on 01273 290400 or you are welcome to speak to us. If you have an urgent concern for a child's welfare you should notify the police by calling 999.

If anyone has any concerns about safeguarding matters related to the school or staff, please contact the LADO (Local Authority Safeguarding Officer) team on ladoenquiries@brighton-hove.gov.uk


Children can also speak to Childline if they have any concerns. The number is 0800 1111.


To ensure the safety of our children, all new visitors to the school are given an information leaflet to read and understand the expectations in our school.


Please visit our policies page to find our Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy and other safeguarding related policies. 

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