Religious Education
Religious Education at City Academy Whitehawk
Through Religious Education, pupils are given opportunities to reflect on the nature and role of beliefs, the attitudes and values underpinning these, and the practices and behaviours that arise because of them. Skills developed through the teaching of RE include developing self -awareness, respect for all, open-mindedness, appreciation and wonder.
RE is taught in all classes and follows the procedures and guidelines laid down in the Brighton and Hove LA Agreed Syllabus, which introduces and discusses Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism.
This year we have decided to try a new approach to teaching RE and will be holding Whole School Learning Days every half term. These dates have been picked as they are significant dates in the calendars of different religions around the world. Here are our learning days:
19.9.18 – Whole School Judaism Learning - Yom Kippur 5.11.18 – Whole School Hinduism Learning – Diwali 11.2.19 – Whole School Alternative Faith Learning 4.3.19 – Whole School Christianity Learning – Ash Wednesday 22.4.19 - Whole School Christianity Learning – Easter 3.6.19 - Whole School Islam Learning - Eid
Collective Worship