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City Academy Whitehawk

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British Values

British Values at CAW

The British values are embedded within the CAW Curriculum and embodied through: our school values, our school enrichment programme, daily assemblies and throughout the wider learning.


The teaching of British values is highly relatable to the children and seeks to show them how they fit into society; how they can influence decision making; how the law is responsible for their well-being and safety; that they have the right to choose and hold faith without prejudice or discrimination and that others share that same right.


We exemplify British Values in many ways, for instance, the Ambassador programme for Years 5 and 6; Elections for school Parliament and Eco-Council give the whole school a chance to take part in a democratic process.


Through RE, PHSE and Paragon, aspects of British Values are constantly referred to and act as a vehicle for the enrichment of children’s lives.

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