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City Academy Whitehawk

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Reception 2024

Welcome to the homepage for families of children joining us in Reception for September 2024. Our Early Years setting was judged Outstanding by Ofsted in November 2018 and then again in May 2024. Ofsted noted, 'Children get off to an exceptional start in the Nursery and Reception. The school’s carefully sequenced and rigorous curriculum is highly effective. Staff prepare children for the next stages of education, instilling the necessary language and communication skills through enriching activities and opportunities. Children build meaningful relationships with each other and the well-trained staff who skilfully facilitate highly purposeful learning.'


We'd love to welcome you and your children to our Reception classes so please have a read through this page to learn if we might be the Early Years setting for you!

Our Promotional Video

Watch our promotional video to get a feel for life at City Academy Whitehawk.




City Academy Whitehawk: Virtual Reception Tour

So that children could start school confidently, we created a tour of the setting. In this video, Miss. Rackham, Miss. Miah and I show you around our Early Years setting.

We are pleased to report that this year's Robins started school happily; children and families who had watched this video found that the setting and its adults felt very familiar. Please watch this video with your children to show them about our school.

Reception September 2024 Application Form

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