New email address
Home Learning Email Address
Dear Parents and Carers of Year 1 to Year 6,
We have all been so impressed with the home learning going on Purple Mash and through the Electa Live lessons. Well done to all children and families who have taken part!
We now have a new email address for you to send any home learning you would like to share with your child’s class teacher. The address is
This account will be checked 3 times a week and teachers will respond to these on Mondays and Thursdays.
Remember you can still email your class mates and teachers directly on Purple Mash. If you’re not sure how to do this look at the guide on the Home Learning tab of the school website. If you’ve forgotten your log in details, call the office. Reception children can continue to share their learning with their teachers through Tapestry.
We can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to!
Miss Scozzafava