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Maths 08.06.20

Last week you compared capacity and volumes using < and >. Today you are going to be adding and subtracting capacity and volume. 




First – watch this video of a teacher explaining how to + and - capacities. See if you can pause the video and answer her questions! Remember that the units (ml/l) are important!


Next – try some of these sheets. For each question you can write the equation instead of drawing on the jug e.g. 5ml + 5ml = 10ml. Remember to check the scale of the measuring jugs… for the trickier questions the intervals aren’t always going up by 1!


Last – if you feel like a challenge, here are some harder questions!

Writing 08.06.20

Today we are using a video called The Book of Butterflies to inspire our writing!



First – watch the video 


Next – did you notice how the colours changed? Before the book opens, the room is boring and grey. After the book opens, the room is transformed by the butterflies! Make a list of phrases or words to describe the room before the room is transformed, e.g. dull, lifeless, the walls are as a grey as rainclouds. Make another list to describe the room when the butterflies appear e.g. vibrant, alive, swirls of rainbow colour!


Last – Use your list of descriptive words to write a short story. Try to show how the room changes when the book is opened. You could write the story of the video with the butterflies or think about other animals coming out of the book. What would happen if lions and tigers came out of the book into the classroom? What would happen if fish came out? Would you have to scoop them up quickly and put them into a tank?

Reading 08.06.20

Have a look through this booklet and choose an activity to do. You could use a book at home or one of the stories on Purple Mash!


On Purple Mash there is a wide range of different extracts from books and questions to answer. 


First - Log into Purple Mash.

Next - Click on 'Serial Mash'. 



Here you will need to choose your age range of books. Have a look at Diamonds, Emeralds and Sapphires. Think about your reading scale for AR and pick a book you think if a good level for you. 


Last - Pick the next chapter you've got to and read it. Pick from the range of different questions and activities to do based on the book you've read!



Over the upcoming weeks you can continue to read through the chapters and answering the questions.


*Top Tip* - Make sure you think carefully about what your interests are, what you might enjoy reading and make sure you pick something that challenges you enough! I always prefer reading books and answering questions on things that I love, like the outdoors, music and books that are funny!

Spelling 08.06.20

Practise these spellings: remember sentence separate special straight


FIRSTLook at the word and read it. Say it out loud (try saying it a couple of times in different silly voices... this helps you remember it!).

NEXTCover the word and write it.

LASTCheck your spelling. If you didn't get it right, here are some fun ways you can practise:





We would also like to recommend an online resource for all your children (Rec to Year 6) to use during lockdown. Some of our teachers are using it with their children at home - it's amazing!


Sir Linkalot is an award-winning spelling app that is revolutionising how to spell hundreds of tricky words, all the way from Was, They and One up to Fulfil, Manoeuvre and Onomatopoeia. It is not solely for spelling. It also covers the whole technical requirements of English, i.e vocabulary, homophones, punctuation, grammar, rules and patterns. Sir Linkalot is kindly giving all parents and schools FREE access during lockdown to enable children of all ages to practise at home. Once you have downloaded it from the App Store - search Sir Linkalot  (there's a small problem with Androids at the moment - unfortunately), tap on the log icon (for 'Log in') at the top right, clicking on ''Have an access code?''. The word 'Free' is both the username and password. You can also view it on a laptop or PC. Type in the browser itself (not a search engine) app.sirlinkalot.org and follow the above instructions (the log icon is for 'log in'). There is also a daily (Mon - Fri), 15 minute spelling show at 2pm that can be accessed via this link  https://vimeo.com/41107595

Science 08.06.20

A boy called Isaac is making curtains for his baby sister’s bedroom! He needs to know the best material to keep her asleep! Use this sheet to help you. 



First – go on a materials hunt around your house. You might want to collect lots of different items of clothing made from different materials e.g. woolly hat (made from wool!), school jumper (cotton), football shirt (nylon) etc. You might want to find other materials too, like paper, cardboard or a plastic bag. Write the list of materials in the box on the sheet.


Next – test out each material using a torch or the torch app on your iphone/ipad! Which materials are opaque, transparent and translucent? Complete this section on the sheet.


Last – decide which material is most suitable for the curtains and finish the message to Isaac. You can draw and colour them on the sheet too!

Paragon 08.06.20


How did you get on with researching Brighton’s wind farm? I really like looking out at the wind turbines when I’m on the beach! We are continuing our learning on renewable energy.


First – go through this powerpoint


Next – choose one form of renewable energy and make a poster explaining how it works and why it’s good for the environment! Make it colourful and eye-catching!



Last – If you feel like a challenge, imagine you are Greta Thunberg again writing to a world leader. Write an angry letter explaining why it’s important that we use renewable energy to power our country!


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