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Week 1 - Monday Home Learning - 23.03.20

See below for work you can do this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. More to come on Thursday!


Writing - 23.03.20

Can you write a story about finding one of these creatures? Think about our bog baby story map and use it to help you structure your story. What is your creature called? Where did you find it? Don't forget your capital letters and full stops!



Maths - 23.03.20

This week in Maths we will be learning about Length. Have a go at these worksheets to practise finding the length of different objects. Remember you don't always have to use a ruler to measure length - you can use non standard units like paperclips or cubes!


If you don't have those non-standard units, can you use something different you have at home?


If you'd like a challenge - can you find the longest thing in your house? can you find the shortest thing? how many hands long is your living room? how many feet long is it?

Reading - 23.03.20

This week's story is 'Bog Baby'. Watch this video to listen to the story!


What was your favourite thing about it? Pick one of the activities below for the story.



We use our phonics to read words - this week's sound is ay. Have a go at writing these words with 'ay' in.

Paragon - 23.03.20


Your paragon challenge this week is to keep practicing the drawing skills we were learning last week. Here are the skills we learned:


  • I can use shapes to create an outline for my picture
  • I can add details to my picture
  • I can think about size and proportion
  • I can move my pencil with control
  • I can colour within the lines


Can you draw bog baby? Don't forget the details!



You could even use '2paint' on Purple Mash to draw bog baby too!


Science - 23.03.20

Do you know all of the different parts of the human body? Can you point to your head, neck, arms, elbows, legs, knees, ankles, face, nose, eyes, hair, mouth and teeth?

Show us your learning by drawing or using the worksheet below to label the different body parts!

Computing - 23.03.20

In Computing this week we will be continuing to use '2code'. Check your alerts for the Bubble activity on 2code - how many stars can you get? how quickly can you beat all of the challenges?


If you want to challenge yourself, go on 'free code chimp' and code your own sprites!


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