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Thursday 4th June

Happy Thursday Year 2!

We hope you've had a lovely week so far and have enjoyed the learning challenges. 

If you would like to take part in our Electa Live Lessons and have not yet signed up, please call the school office to get signed up or ask any questions. 


Maths -

Thursday - Compare and Order numbers up to 1000

Have a go at this game (select numbers up to 1000):


Friday - Apply knowledge of numbers up to 1000 to read scales


Now that you've explored numbers upto 1000 see if you can apply this knoweldge to solve problems using scales. The key to success with scales is to work out what every little line represents! To change the difficulty, experiment with choosing different options at the start of the game.


I've spent far too much time playing these, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did (especially the Postie one)!




Writing - Today we start a new booklet for our writing: Rainbows, rainbows everywhere!

Thursday: Read pages 1 - 4. Talk to someone about rainbows and write down your ideas.

Friday: Pages 5 - 7. Read the explanation text (there is a link to an auido version too) and answer the related questions.



Story Time! My Secret War Diary by Flossie Albright

Thursday: At about 8 minutes in they talk about preparing for a blackout practise incase they are bombed. How would you feel preparing for this? Maybe you could try blacking out your windows with newspaper or a blanket and see how it feels.


Friday: At about 12 minutes, Flossie tells us she isn't going back to school - What are the children needed for instead? Which would you prefer to do?


Spellings - You've been set a spelling challenge on Purple Mash of homophones and near homophones. 

Paragon - Continuing with our World War 2 focus, let's learn about the Blitz. Below are some videos that help explain about the Blitz:

Drawn History: The Blitz | History

On September 7, 1940, 300 German bombers raided London in what would be the first of 57 consecutive nights of bombing. This "blitzkrieg" would continue until...



This link below is of footage of the impact the Blitz had on Brighton. If you go to 2:58 it is clear it is Brighton with a road running down to the seafront.




You might like to watch this video, and the BBC one again and think about how much the children's lives changed when they were evacuated:

A Day in the Life Of A 10-Year-Old Evacuee - Hands on History - BBC

How would you feel being evacuated? What would you miss most? Do you think there would be any parts you'd really enjoy?


Science - Mammals

Follow the link below to learn about what makes Mammals unique:



And finally a message from Mr Chick:


Sussex Virtual School Games- Can we beat St Marks's??!!!

Why not try competing against other schools, like St Mark's, in the Sussex Virtual School Games? This is a sports challenge that you can do from home and then give in your scores to see if we can do better than other schools. So far there have been hockey, tennis, football and gymnastics activities. The new challenge for this week (week beginning 1st June) is netball and basketball!


Sign up at https://www.activesussex.org/virtual/ to find out what the challenges are and to submit your scores!


Currently St Mark's are way ahead of us, as more of their school are doing the challenge and have scored more points! This week, can we all give it a go and beat them? That would make Mr Chick so happy!!


If you want to send a picture of you doing a challenge, send it to our school email address homelearning@caw.brighton-hove.sch.uk.


Good luck and thanks for representing City Academy Whitehawk so brilliantly!


Mr Chick ??


I hope you have a super weekend. Don't forget to email us on Purple Mash, email any home learning you want us to see at homelearning@caw.brighton-hove.sch.uk and join us on the Electa Live Lessons. 

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