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Thursday 14th May

Happy Thursday Goldfinches and Greenfinches 


We hope you've had a lovely week so far and have enjoyed the learning challenges. We've been really impressed with children's learning on Purple Mash and it was brilliant to see so many of you on our Electa Live Lessons!

If you would like to take part in our Electa Live Lessons and have not yet signed up, please call the school office to get signed up or ask any questions. 


Maths - These are you last symmetry challenges. There are also games on TopMarks that can be used to practice!



This one is a little trickier: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?a=activity19


Thursday Friday 

Re-watch the Monday videos and look at the powerpoint again to refresh your knowledge. Then, see how many pages of this challenge you can complete. They get harder as you go. Remember to use a ruler!

This is your last symmetry challenge of the week. Draw the lines of symmetry on these shapes and name them. You could print an extra copy and cut them out and fold them if you need some help!


Writing - Well done on getting most of your story written. We can’t wait to read them! Here is another link to the booklet in case you need it. 


Thursday – Today is the day to finish the story! Read what you’ve written so far so you can make sure your ending will make sense. Will you finish with a cliffhanger? A portal? A traditional happily ever after? It’s up to you!


Friday – Now your story is finished, read it carefully and slowly out loud. I wonder if you can find any mistakes or areas to improve like we do in class. Once you’ve done this, get a really nice pen and write up your story in neat, including the edits and improvements you’ve made. You can also add some illustrations!


If you would like, you can email a photograph of your story to homelearning@caw.brighton-hove.sch.uk and Miss Stiles and I can read and respond to your amazing writing! 

Reading - We hope you are enjoying the story of Ollie and the Great Stink! Your reading challenges for the rest of the week are on Purple Mash. PDF versions of the questions for Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 are found on the links.

Spellings - We hope you have liked using the Sir Linkalot videos. The spelling challenge for today and tomorrow needs help from an adult. Ask them to read out this message and see if you can write it down, getting the homophone words correct. See how many you can get right! The bold words are the homophones we have been learning this week.

Chapter 1 – Thursday: Once upon a time there lived a bear with the biggest paws in the land. One day the bear set off on a long journey and as he rode along the road he could see the blue, sparkling sea. He had been so excited to see the ocean that he didn’t notice the pear tree in front of him and walked straight into it! His poor paws were weak and bare so they got hurt!

Chapter 2 – Friday: Luckily, bear was being brave and quickly went to pour cold water on his paws. He felt better already! Just as bear noticed a tasty piece of meat, he realised he was going to be late to meet his friend wolf. All of a sudden bear jumped up and ran to their meeting place. Poor wolf had been waiting all week for bear! Luckily, wolf forgave him and they played and played until sunset.

Science - Using everything you have learnt this week, choose one of these art activities to show what you have learnt about the life cycle of a plant. In Year 2 you only need to know the parts of; roots, petal, leaf, stem, flower but if you want to be a really impressive scientist you can also learn sepal, pistil, stamen ready for Year 3!

Computing - Continuing your conversations with your child about online safety. This website has lots of great online safety resources; https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/jessie-and-friends-videos/

Watch Jessie and Friends Episode 1 which is  an age-appropriate video about what to do when you see something online you don’t like. Click here for a booklet version of the story with some activities inside.


I hope you have a super weekend and go on some fun exploring during your outside time. Don't forget to email us on Purple Mash, email any home learning you want us to see at homelearning@caw.brighton-hove.sch.uk and join us on the Electa Live Lessons. 

I know many of you are missing school and seeing your friends (we miss you all too!) but we've got to keep staying apart at the moment to stay safe. Use all the different ways to get in touch with your teachers and friends and adults can give the school a call if they need any further support. 

Miss Scozzafava

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