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City Academy Whitehawk

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Monday 4th May

Purple Mash and are so excited to see anything that you might like to Email to use on 2Email on Purple Mash.




Work through the Talk for Writing booklet part 1 attached below. It is a story about a rare and mythical beast called a Rhizswanozebtah!



We will upload part two on Thursday.


This week we would like you to focus on being able to tell the time, both anaolgue and digital. 

First - watch these videos on the BBC to get you started. 


Next - Make your own clock! 



Making half of your clock yellow and half blue might help you. 


Last - have ago at some games or the worksheet attached.


There is also maths work being set on Maths with parents each week. This is a really good website for videos and activities that will help your child's learning. Please make sure to make an account! 



The code you need is in the learning packs sent home with the children. Alternitively, call the school to help. 

Victorian inventions

I do wonder if any of you have built a Victorian invention yet?

Or make a Victorian recipe!

How about this one for Suet Pudding! The recipe is attached below!

You will also find this weeks task, which should take you two or three work sessions. It is all about Victorian inventors and is very interesting!


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