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City Academy Whitehawk

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Y1 Puffins

Puffin's Home Learning

Hello everybody! This page will be updated on Mondays and Thursdays during the school closure with home learning activities in Maths, Writing, Paragon and Computing! Scroll down to see each week's learning!


This is in addition to the home learning pack that your child brought home if they attended school on 20.03.20, if you didn't receive this you are invited to come in and collect your child's home learning pack from school. The pack includes:


  • Maths worksheets on length, mass and numbers to 100 (our next 3 maths topics).
  • A sheet of reading activities. Use your school books and books from your home for these.
  • Common exception and tricky words lists
  • PE activities to keep you active
  • 3 writing challenges with a picture to help give you ideas
  • A story map to box up about Bog Baby - use this to help you structure a story!
  • A home learning book you can write your learning in
  • A pencil and a pen
  • Maths With Parents log in details
  • Paragon Home Learning for this term (Indonesia & Bali) and next term (Australia)


If you are looking for any alternative work please visit:




Sign up and use the promotion code: UKTWINKLHELPS to access a wide range of activities and resources from across the curriculum! 


Alternatively, try the activities that are accessible via www.mathswithparents.com


You will also get 2 To Do's every Monday and Thursday on Purple Mash. These will be a combination of different subjects, including Science and Computing.

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