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Week 3 - Thursday Home Learning - 23.04.20

Week 3 - Thursday Home Learning - 23.04.20

Mr Chick has a message for us all today about an exciting bit of PE we could all try at home...

Want to represent CAW in a virtual sports competition? Sussex Virtual Games is a weekly competition where you are set 4 new challenges in a sport. You can complete these challenges in your house/flat and send in your scores. It will keep you active and if lots of children from CAW do it we can see if we can beat other schools in Brighton!

If you want to join in please visit https://www.activesussex.org/virtual/

The first challenges are announced on Monday 27th April from 9.30am, after a Virtual Games opening ceremony.

This is a brand new initiative in Sussex that hopefully will be a good addition for children staying active at home.


Writing - 23.04.20

How did you get on learning the 'Kangaroo, How do you do' poem map? I hope you had fun learning it. If you're not sure where to find the poem, scroll down to Monday's home learning!

Now that you've learned the poem, I'd like you to have a go writing it! Use the pictures in the story map to help you remember the sentences and don't forget your capital letters and punctuation! 



Most words we can work out how to write using our sounds but these are some tricky words that your grown ups can help you with:


kangaroo             front              kookaburra

laughing             platypus          fake

koala                  here             


Try writing the rest of the words on your own.


Maths - 23.04.20

We are going to continue our learning on the numbers from 50 to 100 and beyond. Remembering the numbers up to 100 is much easier when we know how to represent their 'tens' and 'ones'.

On this first sheet, have a go working out how many there are altogether in each picture. How many tens and ones? How do you know?

Now try filling in how many tens and ones are in these numbers. If you'd like a challenge can you draw how many there are - it'll be much quicker if you draw groups of ten.

If you've finished those, try picking your own numbers between 50 to 100. You could even try numbers that are greater than 100 for a real challenge - I wonder how many groups of ten there are in 100?


Reading - 23.04.20

Today's story is called 'Somewhere in Australia' and it's all about Australian animals. I wonder if you can recognise any of them?

You can listen to the story at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07MsMRFzaWI. I hope you enjoy it!



Try answering these questions once you've read the story:

  • Where do the little lizards live?
  • Which animals were in the story?
  • Which was your favourite animal?
  • How many emu chicks were there?


Paragon - 23.04.20

Now that we have learned where Australia is on a map, we are going to look at the different regions in Australia.  Although there are lots of different regions, we are just going to be looking at one today called The Outback.



The Outback has deserts of red sand, spread out bushes and a large mountain called Mount Conner. It is also home to lots of different animals like kangaroos, dingoes and and emus. Can you make a picture of the Australian Outback that has all of those things in?



You could even make some animals to live in your Outback picture. There are lots of ideas at https://www.danyabanya.com/aussie-animal-crafts-kids/


Science - 23.04.20

Can you remind your grown up what the 4 seasons are?


The trees can tell us a lot about what happens in each season.


  • In Spring, the leaves are growing on trees so there are some but they have not all grown.
  • In Summer, they have all their green trees.
  • In Autumn, the leaves fall off.
  • In Winter, there are no leaves.


Can you have a go at showing what the trees look like in each season? Here are some ideas of what you could make!



Computing - 23.04.20

Now that you've explored the program '2calculate'. We are going to learn how to use it to solve any equation!I have sent you all a 2do to create equations with.


Once you have opened 2calculate, click on a box and then on the numbers or symbols at the side to add it to the box. Add numbers to the red boxes and +, - or = to the boxes between. 


Once you feel confident making equations on 2calculate, can you make all of the number bonds to 10?


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